Friday, January 25, 2013


I had one of those days. When it is almost to an end, you are a good tired. With much done, much worried about.

My son hurt his back this morning, trip to doctor, worrying about how serious it was. Home, fine, But he is out-of-commission when it comes to taking trash out or helping with Christmas tree tear-down. 

I almost finished 2 websites I have been working on. But most importantly, illustrations for an animation. I did not animate, and it has been so long since I illustrated anything ... it was a stretch for me.

I passed by a house the other night with their Christmas tree still in the window and was so happy to know I am NOT the only one. Now, with my assignments almost complete, I feel like I can allow myself to do some personal clean-up around the house. One of the dogs had a sick tummy (get my drift) and we ended up with baths all-around. Then I boiled the (only when chicken is 99 cent a pound) chicken and made dog food. My newest chore every two weeks. 

I usually grow grass in little white pots this time of year. When I trim them, get the delicious scent of cut grass. But found this tonight on Pinterest and am going to give it try instead. Lemon seeds from Green Garden Blog

Also found this on Pinterest! I try boiling water to kill weeds but am definitely trying this! "Amazing Organic Weed Killer Spray. 1/2 gallon of Apple Cider Vinegar 1/4 c table salt 1/2 tsp Dawn liquid dish soap Mix and pour into a spray bottle Spray weeds thoroughly. It makes 1/2 gallon for around $6.40 It worked better than Round Up & killed the weeds on first application. The Dawn dish soap strips the weed of it’s protective oils so the vinegar can work with deadly force. Safe to use a yard used by pets". Will let you know.

Big Brantlers on the porch. ;) And I am meeting with a store in Seattle that might want to sell them. Keep your fingers crossed. 

I so enjoy Amy Merrick's blog. 

Thursdays are quickly becoming my favorite night of TV. With PBS airing Foyle's War, Midsummer Mystery AND a new series, DCI Banks. I have seem three episodes and they are great!

I don't think my husand has had two days off in a row in about 4 months. I am hoping for a little rest for him soon.

And now to finish up some more work. xoxo

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