Thursday, February 01, 2024

Laughing my days away

I woke up with beautiful, brown Rottweiler's eyes staring at me about 1 inch from my face. Remy wants out ... 3:30a. I briefly think ... if I don't let her out she could eat my face right now.

She does not look like this anymore

She looks like this. She is a very gentle dog ... so not to worry.

This is normally what I wake up to, Murphy's nose right in my eyeline.

Instead of raging these days, I am just laughing my ass off at trump. He is a dumbass, his cult ... even dumber. The last month has been the best laugh I have had in some time. This morning was full of me snorting with laughter in my house. 

Kimmel, Colbert, Seth ... and the Taylor Swift right-outrage is just precious.  Just in case you missed them and need a belly laugh ...



From Melania's haircare cost to trump's ad bad photoshop attempt (I hope you didn't miss the six-finger praying trump) ... I laugh and laugh.

Melania's hair stylist pulled in $371K from Trump's Super PAC. (I don't think she got her money's worth)

Did you catch the trump's white house 2019 drug output? I mean ... fentanyl, morphine, provigil, ambien (2,000 tablets), ketamine ... it is NOT the southern border where the drugs are coming in ... it is the White House!
You too could own this great piece of propaganda ... Poster - The C-Team (Donald Trump) - Epic American President Art by Jason Heuser (Sharpwriter) on Etsy 

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