Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Consider the gravestone

The fluffy orange cat is named Oscar and he sits for hours upon hours staring out into space. What in the world is he thinking/dreaming about.

I got wrapped up in cleaning the last couple of days. I am drowning in.*&^%ing dog hair. I dust, can't really call it "dust" ... mainly scoop up massive amounts of dog hair. Same on the floor. I can vacuum one day and the next day it is all back. I just noticed the dogs have run through my newly planted shrubs last fall. I should walk down and see what the damage is ... but I just can't bring myself to doing that.

My cousin in northern CA was in ICU for 6 days with Covid. She said it was bad and she had to wait 8 hours in the parking lot before getting into the crowded ER. Doctor told her Covid (new strain) is back. I  should call and see if there is a new booster available. 

Robin and I stopped by many old cemeteries on our trip. It is surprises me to find graves from the 1800's and before. I love visiting my own grandmothers grave, touching the gravestone, sitting for a while to visit. During my ancestry search I have found many of my ancestors gravestones on Grave finder, some civil war and before. I was brainstorming with myself this morning about possible shows for the local art center and for some reason gravestone art popped into my head. It in interesting and vast in the scope.

I found the silliest gravestones site ... 30 Funny Tombstones By People With An Undying Humor

These very touching graves with dogs statues


A couple of mine relatives

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