Saturday, January 13, 2024

“I know all the best words.” ... He just can’t spell them.

"Are you guys fighting?" Is my constant question to the girls. We did have a hummingbird show up here again after last year's freeze ... only to be assaulted now with another 17 degree night. 

Bri has fashioned a shop light underneath the feeder where the little guy has been hanging out all day, not just to eat but to warm up! We are ordering a feeder heater too. And keeping on eye on the weather so we can pull the shop light in in case it rains, and change out the sugar water if it gets too cold. I really hope they survive a week's worth of freezing weather.

I could walk away from the Hallmark movie for 20 minutes while cooking, catch 5 minutes and still not miss a beat on the plot line. But wait! I found another more vacuous, entertaining YouTube entertainment ... Mary Higgins Clark movies

I can not wait until Sunday, we have so many good shows coming. True Detective, Night Country, Detective Forst, Silent Witness and still watching Steeltown Murders. I really wish I had ITV ... I need to VPN (Virtual Private Network) in for that. I have done that before, maybe I will again.  

And I can't move on without one hysterical political statement.  I LOVE STEPHEN COLBERT.  He has some great writers, I would love to be a fly on the wall.

Peter Lubach, an extraordinary artist. His Instagram.

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