Monday, January 15, 2024

Alien thoughts

My Christmas present fly-shaped fly-swatter is getting a work-out today. Remy and Murphy are barking at every passerby and have learned to fear the fly-swatter

Say a little prayer for me ... I have the kids today and there is no school. We are getting a little punch-drunk being in an artic PNW. The cats all want out and we are trying to keep the birds feed and watered, especially looking after the hummingbirds. For two days we have had a lightbulb attached to the feeder to keep it from freezing. A couple of days ago, the poor little thing sat there, on the feeder most of the day warming up. The dogs all want in and out because they like the cold. The cats are hanging at the door making sounds at the birds and trying to escape every time the door opens. I am literally about to lose my sh*t.

Matt and I got into another argument about Biden last night. He says all he hears is Biden is going to lose and why isn't anyone else running on the Dem ticket. He thinks the deep-state is keeping any competitors from running. I said, "well, I haven't seen anyone step up to the plate yet?" Noting that if he wanted to run, well, step up. He says he won't vote for Biden and I get furious. I did yell pretty loudly "then your generation and your kids are going to be screwed!" I am not so much yelling at him as I am the circumstances and in fear that Trump will win. I don't think he gets what kind of serious trouble we will be in. 

I had a very frustrating dream last night. I was failing to find something on a map and everyone was waiting for me. I felt small and stupid in front of all of my friends. I woke up thinking just how many times I have felt like that in my life but kept it hidden.

I remembered the day I was having brunch with some friends and confessed that I have never felt a part of this world or comfortable around other people. I was trying to explain it to them with some difficulty and still have a hard time putting it into words. I was shocked that statement fell out of my mouth. 

Like I was an alien dropped to earth for a visit then they forgot to come collect me. LOL 

Biotop from Polygonia, Randomly Generated Insect Species

Artifacts of the NoiseField, advection of points based on a math noise

Radiolaria Index, Topologically Generated Radiolaria

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