Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Unpacking the past and the story behind the ornament

I have been unpacking Christmas ornaments, setting aside some that I we might give away. Some broken, some that don't make sense. But I started thinking about the tree, the ornaments and how it doesn't seem to make much sense without David. All the ornaments we bought together, celebrating different milestones, Matt, remodeling the house (a saw and hammer), when we dumped over in the canoe (life vest and little canoe), cooking utensils for my mom, wine bottles, birds and chairs for me, fishing Santas for David, solitary fish, our first ornaments from our first Christmas together. I was the one who always recited the story behind each, or the person who gifted it, or something that was handmade for us. Those stories were between David and me. Matt has his, a trombone, a skating Santa, a soccer ball, a little mouse and dad mouse sleeping inside a tent, the rugrats, Harry Potter ... those make sense to him and he can remember getting them. And maybe he will recite to his girls when he received those, and why. But the rest were really for me, David, Matt and my mom. I guess I didn't realize how hollow it would all feel without him. Of course, I do tell the grandkids all about our personal ornaments and what they mean, so maybe they understand them and want to keep them. 

So unwrapping ornaments seems like a slog right now. A Ba-Hum-Bug moment for Meemaw. I am sure when everyone gets home it will feel more festive. 

Someone thinks size matters

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