Monday, December 11, 2023

Keeping it real, THE WEEKEND UPDATE

An interesting weekend was had by all. Bri is still on her organizational tour and now has embarked on the Xmas tree ... note: only putting up one this year. Not like years past, this year is going to be a 'make do' kind-of decorating year.

Many, many sour cream and yogurt tubs were sacrificed to achieve this! I turned my head not to watch them go into the trash. We got into a small argument about having two buckets near the fireplace. I like them and Bri thinks it is too much. I have a perfectly logical explanation for it. I did concede that the jam without a label or date could be tossed after I opened and smelled it. She did the pantry and I predict a few fights over my 'tossing stuff in there" in days to come. I fear, we have a long way to go before the place is livable.
They had a sale on dog toys at Petsmart and I asked Bri if this one came with a vibrator (which could be a dual purpose)? My friend commented we would not be allowed to mail that to Texas. LOL

I thought THIS was hysterical but Noah not so much! We had to explain that was ketchup and chicken bones NOT the elf.


I stepped in dog pee, IN SOCK FEET twice walking over to this computer just now. And I am trying to figure out what little bastard is doing this?! They have all been out numerous times, starting at 2:30a when Murphy and Remi woke me up with a wet nose to the face ... to let them out. I am sure this little angel was not involved ;)

The weekend started out badly, when at 8am on Saturday morning the girls started bickering. I said calmly, "let's don't start that today" ... no one listened, I think I heard slapping going on.  I let out the loudest, most ear-piercing scream (sure the neighbors would hear it) and included something about "STOPPING IT AND NOT THIS SHIT BEFORE MY COFFEE" There was immediate silence, this got even the parents up from their bed. Apologies from the girls later, and we went off the the Dollar store as promised and had $66 worth of fun and giggles. I also think we entertained many shoppers in ear's reach. Anyway, it may have gotten a little worse later when I suggested (in text) that the kids might consider divorce.

I was accused of this more than once this weekend.

And I discovered this crystal vase that my parents received as a present from a boyfriend of mine in Scotland in the early 80's. Decided to keep it.

Murphy and Remi bark at the window at each passerby ... the neighbors at the Christmas party last night (a few doors down) asked me about the barking, howling dogs. I just weakly smiled and said, oh, they are harmless, they just sound really mean. No one was convinced. Murphy is afraid of the fly swatter, which I used effectively to stop the barking. I was feeding Pixie her roast beef this morning, Murphy had his nose  as close as it could get to the cutting board. When I offered him a peanut butter and banana biscuit, he just looked at me with incredulity.

A HUGE Eagle just flew by my window ... maybe he could take one or two cats on the way by? (just kidding). But speaking of multiples, take one cutting board and multiply by 17 ... and that is the magic number in the kitchen and no one is budging on giving any away.

NOW ask me about the kids moving back. 😂

1 comment:

  1. If my son was still on the West Coast I would send ( lend ) him to YOU and he would take ALL of that away from ALL of you.
    I am not allowed to keep ANY of that...even with a GOOD USE PLAN. Our recycling was HUGE for a few weeks and a large packing box goes to Goodwill every 10 days...until now- the box has stayed empty for one week-. But yesterday I FILLED the recycling BIN. which is HUGE!!!! Garbage can size.

    Furnace is running again and I am getting ready to SCREAM!!!!!! Lunch was excellent. I had huge glass of WINE.
    I need someone to trim the back of my hair- the front and sides are great- growing out and starting to get curly.
    I have nice curly white hair. Yes, I do.


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