Saturday, September 02, 2023


My neighbors are gone, which means I can open the blinds by my computer and let some sun in without the feeling that someone is peering into my house. 

Speaking of neighbors, they are world-class travelers. I get exhausted reading their Facebook post of their travels. I guess it is a good thin because I feel like I have been to lots to lots of destinations this year without leaving the comfort of my home. 

I use to like to travel. I traveled quite a lot in my youth. But the thought of sitting on a over-stuffed airplane with cramped legs for 4+ hours ... a BIG no thank you. Unless I am going to see my sister. 

My bestie also travels a lot! She goes on walking tours of mountains, hiking for days on end. I am happy she likes to do that, it is just not my cup of tea. 

Another old friend makes me tired too. She was just in London for a couple of weeks, then off to someplace else, and the last couple of days she is in Bermuda. 

I did enjoy the driving trip through Utah, Arizona and New Mexico that David and I had. Old and set-in-ways takes on a whole new meaning. But isn't this is why Google is so perfect ... I can do anywhere, see anything! Here is a good example of "arm-chair traveling" - a virtual tour of the Wahtye Tomb and it is worth the visit! I watched a special about the discovery of this tomb.

I did travel over the Burger King because I fancied a chocolate milkshake. 

I know I have posted about this leaf art before, but is is too incredible not to do it again! lito_leafart. I would love to watch him create one of these!  

"Japanese artist known as lito_leafart on Instagram brings leaf art to a whole new level with his unbe-leaf-ably intricate designs. He meticulously carves out entire scenes onto the delicate, green surfaces."

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