Sunday, September 03, 2023

Not leaving the house

I referred to myself as a widower the other day and I took me by surprise. It has almost been a year and it still feels like yesterday. The quiet in my house becomes more deafening. 

I would like to take a quick trip to an Oregon beach for some sand but I can't leave Pixie alone. These are problems I have even thought about when mom was here, David was here, the kids were here. It is not like I feel like a prisoner but I do feel very tied down here with Pixie. 

I never considered a "pocket sundial" before I saw one the other day. Judi Dench was talking about the sundial she has in her yard (it is lovely BTW) and it made me go out there in search of a sundial. Some of terribly expensive, some are made like books, in jewelry, in paper, and some very affordable.


  1. Oh my that video chat with Dame Judi was fabulous - as fabulous as that sun dial. Loved it!

  2. me too!!! makes me want a sundial, but is it a waste of money in this part of the world


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