Sunday, August 20, 2023

Too much burning going on!

The sunlight streaming in the windows has a golden hue because of the smoke from the fires in Canada. I feel so badly for those folks getting pushed out by the fire and the uncertainty if their homes will survive. Not to forget the tragedy in Lahaina, all the lost property and lives gone. 


I always feel so righteous when I eat out of the freezer! I brought some steak upstairs, frozen dinners and left-over BBQ from David's memorial. Called Matt and told him to "go shopping" out of the freezer. I also made Earl Grey ice tea and used some of my newly grown mint! Yum!

My friends book came in today that we put together on Blurb. I told her to only print one until we could look it over. She is making a few of them for her best friends. Can't wait to take a look.

I get drawn in to the most interesting YouTube videos! Today I discovered and shared this with a friend of mine. I found these women delightful.

Forests of Judean date palm trees once covered ancient Israel, from Lake Galilee to the Dead Sea. The fruit of the tree symbolised life and prosperity and was praised in ancient literature for its unique medicinal properties. But the dates of Judea were made extinct by the Middle Ages. Now a team of scientists has succeeded in resurrecting the ancient tree.

The paintings by Nicholas Kennedy have almost a textile quality.

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