Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Silence is broken

I have two friends out there with health issues and I am constantly thinking of them and keeping them in my prayers. 

I normally have the TV on. Not very loud but as flat-screen company. Sometimes my show ends (whatever random non-engaging crime show I am NOT watching) and it becomes so quiet. It is a welcome relief of silence in a way but after awhile I hear every creak in the house. The ice-maker, the wind blowing something around, birds eating seeds, seed dropping - making a mess on the deck and chattering, wind chimes (mine and the neighbors), airplanes landing in Everett at Payne field (we are now in a flight path), cars and trucks, someone coughing in the back of my house, a rowdy conversation the neighbors are having, the neighbors splashing in their pool - kids hollering and laughing, someone shutting a door, someone hammering something up the street, a dog barking, a truck reversing, Pixie snoring, fly buzzing, the squirrel is stuck in the tree telling off a cat on the ground (I run the cat off),  a distant ambulance. So many sounds make up our silence.

Then the phone rings ... my friend calling. Jump out of my quiet zone to chat about my friends potential love life.

And of course there is the ever happening slight ringing in my ears. I hear that is an old age thing.

We are experiencing a heat wave the last 4 days. It does not cool down until 10-ish ... usually as soon as the son sets the air becomes blissfully cool. The sun on the back deck is almost blistering right now. Pixie can't quit panting. If it is too bad, I seek refuge in the front of my house - much cooler.

I am thinking either Flynn or Bryne as the co-conspirators. But Flynn is probably hiding a pardon in his back pocket.

I am going to break my silence retreat, return to ususal programming and empty the dishwasher.

I love this to display rocks or shells.

I have been watching many videos on Frank Lloyd Wright on YouTube. So inspiring. I love his color palette and was thrilled to find out the red seen often is called Cherokee Red. I love the way he pairs this with sky blue accents. Reminds me of Georgia Clay (#b06144 hex color - Georgia Clay - Orange - Warm color). Colors are so emotional ... just like smells. 



  1. The ringing in the so annoying. I keep trying to make it stop by putting my fingers in my ears.
    It helps for about 20 seconds. If I'm busy I don't notice it.

    I sprayed ant hills today. So many. and driveway has acorns- still infant sized...A bumper year which translates here in maine to a heavy winter.

    Well ,my Kraft Mac and Cheese might be ready to eat. Gourmet Supper. In a bowl eaten with a Spoon.

  2. I cooked soup in a measuring cup the other day and ate it out of that!;)

  3. This is so mesmerizing art.


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