Sunday, June 04, 2023

Organic thinking

Spent most of yesterday killing more flies. I think I am down to a couple but every time I looked around yesterday I would spot more. DRIVING ME NUTS. I cleaned all the suspected area, I can't see another place for the start of an infestation. Took the bin off the wall, washed and sanitized, dried in the sun. What a mess from one sweet potato.

Going to start the dishwasher so I can have some hot water for a nice long shower. I so rarely use hot water that I have NONE stored up.

Also finished trimming all bushes and cleaning up. Planting a new honeysuckle and more new little friends. I actually have a few peonies blooming this year. NOTHING, I mean nothing is so wonderful as the Peony scent. Matt came over and cut down a wooden pallette that I begged him to take to the dump, instead he cut it down for firewood, finally. And cut down the huge, dead honeysuckle trunk. I told the guys for two years that the honeysuckle was going to die if we did not get it off the ground and no one listen to me. Anyway, moving on. I planted a new one. And there is a new honeysuckle where the previous one had fallen on the ground and taken root. Have left it there and trying to figure out what to do with that one. Slowly but surely, the yard feels really good. 

The snowball has a carpet of pinkish petals all around it. The roses are about to pop out in bloom. I am frantically watering the hydrangeas because removing that enormous tree has certainly made the back super hot. I plant a bunch of Foget-Me-Nots. I think some of the Japanese Anemones are coming back after getting covered by the fallen honeysuckle. It is funny to think how one catastrophe in the yard (and life) can affect so many other aspect a portion of it. It all snowballs on itself, the Mock Orange could not be t trimmed because I couldn't access it, the Japanese Anemones almost died by being covered up, the Peace Rose kept growing up into the fallen honeysuckle but damaged it a little. 

The sunset streaming in the house yesterday was magical! Golden light flooded the living room. Makes me grateful and less pitiful ;) And then as an added bonus, when I took Pixie out in the middle of the night was greeted by a gigantic full moon.


  1. wow - that pink flower is GORGEOUS! is that from your garden? I know about pity parties... but like you also know there is always something to be grateful for... hugs

  2. Pretty flowers and David peeking out the wrapping paper.. Love...
    I had those 8 Flies this past winter.....GACK!!!! I think they had a nest or something.

    Lovely lunch and then we stopped at Library as we both had books to pick up.
    And the Trump news on MSNBC for hours.......delightful. Also a bit of Fresh Open Tennis.


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