Friday, June 02, 2023

Musca domestica Linnaeus take-over

Nothing can get you out of your malaise quicker than a fly infestation! Yesterday I had a large number of flies but I chalked it up to the door being open all day. Today, they were everywhere and because I have experienced an infestation before, I knew what was happening. I checked the garage and all downstairs but all the doors have been closed forever. Checked all rooms, everywhere and could not find a source. The only thing I have found is a sweet potatoe that has liquidified. Cleaned out the big vegetable bin that is attached to the wall. Removed it from the wall. Have been washing it and santicizing it. Cleaning the sweet potatoe liquid dripping down the wall onto the floor and into the wall socket (will have to replace that now). Cleaning the floor. I did see 4 suspicious looking Pupa in area. I guess that had just laid eggs right there on the floor behind the recycle bin. UGH. YUKE ... getting back to cleaning and disinfecting now.

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