Tuesday, May 09, 2023

The mind-blowing talent and attention to details at Red Nose Studios

I am so in love with Sickels' Red Nose Studio's work.  

"Some years ago an art director warned Chris Sickels, “Chris, if you aren’t careful you’re going to become known only for drawing people who have red noses.” Sickels thought to himself, “Well, why not? Good a name as any.” Red nose, green nose, blue nose, no nose. Who knows and who cares? Sickels work is sensational—a richly textured, finely crafted, multidisciplinary blend that demonstrates stupendous imaginative power. 

Smiling, soft-spoken, Sickels is a slender guy of 34, who wears a floppy fishing hat and round spectacles. He has a “gee whiz” air about him that gives him great charm. He’s aware of his own gifts, but he is more amazed by the potential of everyday objects and other people’s trash—trash he turns to treasure. Sickels might be the most carbon-neutral designer in America. 

Sickels works above his garage behind the Greenfield, Indiana, home he shares with his wife Jennifer and his doe-eyed children, Owen (three) and Ava (one). His blind, diabetic, eleven-year-old dog Corwin noses about the cluttered studio trying to avoid the hundreds of witches, Santas, bad boys, good boys, space men, pallbearers, rabbits, pumpkins, spaceships, trains...and all the stuff that goes into making them."

More about him here and here.

CREOSOTE_trailer from RedNoseStudio on Vimeo.



1 comment:

  1. I absolutely LOVE these!!! Never heard of them/him before and I now have a new passion!!


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