Monday, May 08, 2023

Jewel topped

Celebrating those treasures from nature. My friend bought many of these and I was so envious. But way back then, they paid $75 and more for each one. I could not see paying that much for one and just admired theirs for free. I am not sure I would want to make my own but I do have plenty of old bottles and shells. I am also not sure about the black molding clay. I just gave Mason a bunch of ornate glass salt shaker that I had been saving for some kind of hanging flower vase. Now I am thinking I could experiment with the smaller version and smaller shells. Maybe I should ask Mason for those back, if her mother has not thrown them away. Greyfreth has some for sale. And their Pinterest.

I woke up at 4am and did not go back to sleep. Now, I have had too much coffee and it is burning my stomach. 

I thought I had bad allergies all last week, but I think it was actually some kind of bug. Friday and Saturday I was feeling badly and opted for DayQuil. It made me feel so much better, but a little weird so I laid around all weekend. And then I spoke with others who had the same symptoms, they thought it was allergies, sneezing and running noses but then started feeling worse. Feeling better today!

About 9 minutes into this video, she describes how she makes hers. 

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