Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Rage against the machine

We have been busy here continuing to take clothes to the Thrift Store, going to the Tulip Festival, although it was really only the daffodils blooming now and having lunch and shoppinig in La Conner. It was sooop cold and windy in La Conner yesterday! 

I am pretty dumb-founded Dominion settled with Fox without having Fox even having to admit they lied. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth! This makes it feel like all about money and not about the fact they lied.  

16 takeaways from Fox News' historic $787.5 million settlement with Dominion 

1. Fox gets to keep its audience.

2. $787.5 million was the price to keep it. 

3. Fox avoided a likely reckoning in court. 

4. Rupert Murdoch and other Fox brass won't have to testify. 

5. Dominion won't have to deal with appeals. 

6. Fox, though, has to deal with shareholder lawsuits. 

7. Fox can afford it. 

8. Still — wow! 

9. Smartmatic is still suing. 

10. The settlement is a victory for Delaware courts. 

11. I wouldn't want to be Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, or Mike Lindell right now. 

12. Fox dropped a big hint it would settle the suit earlier this month. 

13. Abby Grossberg takes the stage. 

14. Fox News dodged another legal bullet. 

15. Too bad for the media reporters. 

16. This was great for Dominion's private equity owner.



This is just an example of how dumb our fellow citizens are about automatic weapons. I think that guy actually said 'more people are killed by hammers ... " I don't hold much hope for our country.  My question is always, where do these people get all the money to invest in these guns when they constantly complain about their income base. Wait, they are killing squirrels with AR-15s???? And then you have the obvious grooming of kids ...



Twitter labeled NPR’s main account last week as “state-affiliated media, ” a term also used to identify media outlets controlled or heavily influenced by authoritarian governments, such as Russia and China. Twitter later changed the label to “government-funded media,” but to NPR — which relies on the government for a tiny fraction of its funding — it’s still misleading. NPR said in a statement Wednesday that it “will no longer be active on Twitter because the platform is taking actions that undermine our credibility by falsely implying that we are not editorially independent.” 

 (BTW ... Presently, NPR receives funding for less than 1% of its budget directly from the federal government, but receives almost 10% of its budget from federal, state, and local governments indirectly.) I think they tried to do the same thing to PBS ... And why don't they call out political figures who are funded by the government AND their donors? I really, really, really do not like Elon and Twitter! 

And THIS is pretty rich coming from a CEO who earns MILLIONS.  

"As the President, CEO, and Director of Herman Miller, she receives total compensation of $4,658,460, the highest among the company’s executives. 

Andi is considered a highly successful businesswoman with 35 years of experience in the professional field. Her remarkable achievements helped her garner a massive net worth of $10 million."


1 comment:

  1. The hope I had for this country tanked when Rump was elected to the White House. It’s done nothing but go down since then, although I do think President Biden has done an excellent job with what little he’s had to work with.


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