Sunday, April 23, 2023

Giving it away

My SIL left yesterday. And it is very quiet here again. She came here to gently guide me to a cleaner, more organized existence and we almost succeeded. I nearly got one area at the top of the stairs, the staging area for "giving away stuff" had grown and grown into a mountain. Almost cleared. 

We also stayed with the kids a lot, they love their Aunt Kate and she loves them. We went to see the butterflies at the Pacific Science Center, that was a wonderful experience. Noah called it the Space Noodle.


We did shopping and the tulip festival in La Conner, but the tulips are very late this year. 

We went to beaches in search of rocks and driftwood on Whidbey. The kids loved it.

We talked about the neurosis of families a lot and of course, our love for David. 

We returned lots of bags of "stuff" I had discovered in David's car months ago and believe it or not, I got store credit for it all, even at Bed, Bath and Beyond. 

And of course we talked about politics, a lot. 

I let the neighbor's cat out all week.

An interesting thing we both discovered on our shopping expeditions is how boring shopping is for us now. From Consignment stores, to the massive gallery RH store, Anthropologie, Macy's, Nordstrom, little art stores in Edmonds, Goodwills, H&M ... we did them all. I literally saw NOTHING I would wear or buy.

The consensus is ... nothing there interest me or us. The fabric is cheap, most of the stuff is poorly made in China but more than anything ... I don't want or need any of the products I happen upon. I am waiting for something that makes me say "oh, I love that" or "oh, look at this fabric" ... but nothing. So am I just sated? Do I just own everything I ever wanted? Or nothing is interesting? It was a sad feeling in a way. Even the super expensive, silly, enormous RH gallery 4-story gallery store offered nothing for me to oooohhh and aaaahhhh over. It was full of ridiculously overpriced sofas and furniture that was so expensive they couldn't be bothered putting a price tag on it. I guess my big question is when did RH quit selling pretty doorknobs? And WHO invested all of that money in the new "gallery store" concept and thought it was a good idea in the beginning of a pandemic. Although, as I saw when I was in Sun Valley, lots of very wealthy people were building second homes there to escape the cities and pandemic. I am sure this is who RH is catering to. But really, now many millionaire houses can you furnish with the same, bland, boring sofa?

I was watching a YouTube video on the books that have been banned. What is the deal with this stupidity of DeSantis? What an idiot. I wish Disney would move out of Florida. I think Disneyland could sue DeSantis for this logo?

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