Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Over and over again

I made Blackened Chicken again. I forgot to smashed it thinner with a mallet, but no matter, it was fine. Chicken tenders, and blackened chicken seasoning (mom made her own). Heat 3TB butter in a cast iron skillet until very hot, chicken in for 4 minutes on one side, then 4 minutes on the other. I think mom and I did it for 5, then 3. I just check and see how "blackened" the chicken looks. SOOOO easy. The only mess is pounding chicken with a mallet. Then I cleaned up the chicken and back to my mystery.


I went to Home Depot to buy a specific trash bag, which looks like they don't carry it anymore. And ended up spending loads of money on bird seed. That has gotten very expensive along with everything else. I told Bri, when I run out of money to live on, you can blame the birds.

Hinterland was worth a second watch. I sort of remember the individuals episodes but not enough to spoil it for me. Then you are talking to someone who watch Miss Marple mysteries over and over again.


  1. I love blackened chicken. Haven’t had it in ages. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I’m saving it so I can make it soon. :D

  2. I have large sheets of pounded thin chicken breast in the freezer- how long does that last...years and years?
    I think not. anyway. I made breaded (with added Parm to the breading) chicken and served it at dinner parties with
    a nicely dressed leafy greens salad and a sautéed green vegetable. Very very special......laughing.

    I was That Person back then. Gosh. I hardly recognize myself.


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