Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Late night rant

Yeah, I am watching an entire Deadline Whitehouse. God, I miss my daily recorded political show lineup. It makes me feel sane. 

RE: ChatGPT. I keep hearing stories about this new AI - its text-generating AI that can write convincingly human-like essays, poems, emails, lyrics and more. Called ChatGPT Plus and starting at $20 per month, the service delivers a number of benefits over the base-level ChatGPT, OpenAI says, including general access to ChatGPT even during peak times, faster response times and priority access to new features and improvements. 

I guess my question is ... What if you have 20 students in a class paying $20 a month for this service taking a class on Shakespeare asking for a paper on Hamlet, will the computer the able to generate many, many different versions of this essay? That will be interesting. 

What evil MF-er, came up with this idea?

George Santos has said he has learned his lesson and will always be very truthful. HA HA HA HA. This guy deserves to be in a mental institution NOT Congress.

This was an interview on OAN ... which is even funnier.

 “I’ve learned my lesson and I can guarantee you that from now on anything, everything is always going to be aboveboard,” Santos said in an interview with Caitlin Sinclair on One America News

What says Republican party more clearly than George Santos?

1 comment:

  1. I had the same thoughts about this self writing program. And I read, yesterday, that some politician had used it to write a speech he gave.......I often wondered if my Professors even read the papers I wrote.....


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