Wednesday, January 04, 2023

Cleaning up, clearing out for the new year

Boxes of sweaters came crashing down on my head the other day. Rendering my closet unusable after the rod pulled away from the wall. I emptied it out and Matt fixed the wonky shelf from years of supporting boxes of heavy sweaters. I emptied out the rest of the closet of 30 years of dust and clothes I forgot I had in there. I looked around the bedroom yesterday, littered with crap everywhere. 

I have decided to get rid of the fancy dress sequined tops, I love them but I doubt I will ever wear again. I threw away half of my socks. I threw away 3 girdles that I honestly don't remember ever wearing! Slips. bras, old panties, socks. I have decided to rid myself of half of the clothes.  A drawer full of panty hose, when was the last time if wore any of them? Ski clothes? Pants in 3 sizes, some with tags ... can go. How many sets of pajamas does one need? Or sweat pants and old, worn T-shirts (okay, I will keep some of those!) AND then there are those wool turtlenecks that I haven't worn in years because I have heated up since menopause ... but I hung onto them because I love them so much.


I cleaned out three (yes, three) drawers of socks! Mostly NEW, never worn! Matt went through the coats (mostly new, never worn ... David had been on some shopping spree lately), bags of new underwear, sweaters. He picked out some stuff he might want. The rest I put in a box, trying to figure out where to take it. I think I am heading to the Methodist Church thrift store, down the street. Now for the hard decision of suits, pocket squares, shoes, shirts. 

I agree with many of you when you told me this was an arduous and heart-breaking task of "going through" stuff, making the hard decisions. But it seems like the easiest one in front of me right now to get me on the road to my life. 

Trying to to decide if I want to sign up for MINT budgeting app. To keep track of monthly expenses or just do with on paper.


  1. Girdles lol i remember so well in highschool girdles and garterbelts to wear with nylon stockings. Then the panty hose. When I got laid off from a corporate job I had lots of office dress clothes some like you had tags everything went to our local thrift store but now and then I wish I had kept a couple skirts and sweaters. Now its carharts and thrift store shirts as I live on a farm. When my son died I kept his jeans and boxer shorts. He was a dry clean only Guy so all his dress clothes went to the thrift store. I kept his ties though and led zepplin swim trunks. Maybe you might keep some of Davids clothes to make a quilt or something. Keep a few things that still have his smell my son died 8 years ago and I can still smell him with the clothes I saved. Take your time it is a daunting task and you have your family there to help you. I love the stack of books on the night stand table.
    Here is a link you migt enjoy

  2. There is usually a Charity of some sort in every city to help people who are down on their luck dress for interviews in suits and shirts and ties. and good shoes. It might be a lovely thing to do in David's memory???? I know community college graduates rarely have interview suits. You might ask some of his work colleagues to help get the clothing to the right places???? I know if I was a work friend of David's- getting to do some of this heavy lifting would be welcome work.

    A budget app would be a good thing.

  3. Beverly! I remember garterbelts ;0 with a cringe!!! I am sure I wore the girdle at least once but I must have put that terrible experience out of my memory. Ah yes, and do people even wear pantyhose anymore??? I have all the heavier, colored versions that I loved. Yes, I am trying to decide what to keep of David's. I have not even started on that closet yet, but Matt and I have gone through, and looked through and he has told me what is important to him. Mason and I have talked about making a quilt out of some of his shirts, that might be a good project. I CAN NOT imagine the pain of going through your son's clothes. I am sure 8 years is no amount of time to heal that hurt. I am soooo sorry. OF course, that stack of books is David's side, and his sister already took a bunch that were piled up there!!! He had an addiction to books, along with baseball caps, shoes and too many other things to list. xoxoxo

  4. PS I love that link, thank you

  5. Joanne! yes, I have been looking for a place just like that. I love that idea!


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