Friday, December 30, 2022

Christmas 2022, the Christmas that almost wasn't

Bri pulled off Christmas all by herself. Her car is the only car we have that drives in ice and snow, so she did all the shopping for gifts and food for a week. Matt watched the kids, I sent her money on Venmo. It was all too easy. I did not decorate but Santa visited here anyway. We had an ongoing fire. I made mom's crepes. Bri made a lovely Christmas eve dinner. I drank many Mimosas and we watched the kids rip though their gifts. We had a couple of weepy moments when the girls got their Christmas ornaments I found hidden in David's closet. We opened the three ducks he had made and bought "in secret" the very last and we all had a moment of tears. I bought Bri, Mason and myself necklaces to hold David's ashes. As usual, my S-I-L, even having the crude I had managed getting up perfect, beautifully wrapped gifts AND got them in the mail. 

Santa brought Noah many princess dresses and she modeled them all morning.

And now it is all over. The snow vanished and lashing rain moved in. I still had hardly moved from the sofa. 

I got Matt "couple more days construction" T-shirt.


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