Sunday, December 18, 2022

The making of perfection

I am finally coming out of my fog but I just want to sleep. I ran across this video talking about the making of The English. It is perfection in the making, the landscapes, the customs. It makes you ask ... why can't every movie be like this? If you have not seen it yet, what are you waiting for? 


I an eating gruel for breakfast, or rather watered down Creme of Wheat. Nothing sounds good. 

 This explains wonderfully the making of The English


  1. Glad to hear that you are getting better. Read both the Seattle Times Pacific NW Magazine articles about your David. What an extraordinary man.

    The English was an excellent movie I should watch it again. 1883 the prequel to Yellowstone was awesome and now 1923 starts and I read there is going to be a 1932. Taylor Sheridan has quite a few movies we have watched and there new ones in the works

    We loved watching Longmire and I liked the Queen's Gambit.

    Snowing here today below zero weather coming. Stay Warm lots of hugs to you

  2. definitely snowing here too, bit fast flakes!!!! oh, yes, I could rewatch Longmire!!!


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