Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Snowmagenden Part 2

Although I am feeling better, the snow has given me a perfect cover to stay on the sofa, in bed, in front of TV. I am not ashamed to admit it, I have spoken to several people and they have given me their blessings to sleep and hideout in blankets and pillows as much as I want. My S-I-L is feeling the same and we have decided it is onset depression. I am going with it. Nothing needs to be urgently done right now, so I am free to wallow all I want. 

I think I have watched everything interesting on Netflix and Amazon, working my way over to Hulu. Yesterday, I spent an afternoon going through 1940's mystery movies on YouTube, most I made it about 30 minutes. I have not gone to the store in over a week? I lose track. I have eaten out of the freezer. I burnt Chicken Pot pies last night, dug out the edible parts (there was not much) and fed the rest to Pixie. She has also run out of food, we are down to a few hot dogs now. I ran out of Half & Half this morning so it is looking like a trip to store is in my future. 

That is, if I can drive there. The snow is really coming down this morning. I hope we don't lose power. Here is the bummer part, of all time to drink massives amount of wine, I have not felt good enough to. I have not had any wine for weeks now. Even a hot tottie last week made me sick! 

Hey, what a day to devote to watching trump get called out for the criminal he is! I only hopes they prosecute him to high-heaven. And speaking of an idiot! I mean this is high school crap! Someone is going to sue the shit of him for that NFT mess up with stealing images from the internet. You really can not MAKE THIS SHIT UP. AND he made 4 million in a day! I hope they sue him for every last penny. The thing I can not believe is he gave that announcement with a straight face!


  1. And the photo shopped all the fat and wrinkles and bad skin................they even cut his hair.
    I'll hold out for the Pillsbury Dough Boy Card.

  2. I say screw the 'should dos' and just do whatever you want.
    We are getting the major storm Friday. Why not just have some food delivered??

  3. Anonymous7:23 PM

    I was thinking door dash sounds great! But Bri is going to cook ... I am going to watch ;)

  4. Not sure if you're seen the series 'Vera', but it's a favorite of mine.

  5. I love Vera, have watched each episode a couple of times HA


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