Friday, December 16, 2022

Shuffle walking through life

Days have quietly slipped by with me under the covers. I wake up to take more "whatever" and drift back to sleep. My stomach feels like someone has been punching me from coughing, not a congested chest cough but something else. Yesterday, I forced myself to stay horizontal all day mainly to give my muscles a little workout and see if this intense pain would go away. And of course it was Thursday, the dreaded trash day. The thought of pulling those big canisters down to the street made me want to cry. I called the kids, who in turn texted my sweet neighbors. I said I would just take it out myself. I took the trash out and my neighbor helped me with the heavy recycle canisters. Just at that moment Matt pulled up. 

Then there is the firewood. I was the one who brought in all firewood. David never did that. Matt started helping when he was older. I tried the other day to bring in some and it was hard for me to haul it up the stairs. I now just feel like I want to get rid of this house. I seems too daunting. Too many stairs. Of course, I am feeling all of this when I am literally shuffle/walking around the house feeling woozy most of the time.

Maybe when I start feeling better, stronger, I will not have this feeling of doom. I need a handyman I can call on the come help me with a few, small things around the house. 

Okay, don't mind me, I feel like whimpering this morning ;) 

The Seattle Times has done a very sweet remembrance of David in the Magazine.

Pacific NW magazine honors the life and work of art director David Miller
David Miller’s page designs were like weekly visits from Father Christmas

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful tributes, Kim. Maybe the best kind of postcards from the past.

    Wise to wait until you're feeling well to make major decisions. Getting a handyman isn't a major decision though... it'll make everything easier. <3


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