Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Don't lose your sense of humor

We, my sister's and I, got the flu and I sent them home early. I think we have had it for a week. So much dry coughing for my stomach feels like someone has been punching me. Canceled a bunch of David's magazine subscriptions ... I am tying to add up what he was spending on magazines per year. I do think he has lost all touch of reality the last year or so. I think the more I talk about not spending money and getting ready for not having income, maybe the more he panicked and had to spend? I really don't know. 

Like I needed another, I found a new addiction on YouTube ... the master at making fun of the ridiculous. Elmoretv on Facebook 


And speaking of humor, here is another knee-slapper - New FTX CEO is getting paid $1,300 an hour, and customers will foot the bill

Apparently celebrities are trying to scrub their social media of promoting cryptocurrency. Bunch of chickenshits. They will do anything to make a buck, even though they don't need another buck. 

Meanwhile, FTX's new CEO — yes, the company still technically exists — John Ray had an unusual explanation for what had happened, telling lawmakers at the hearing that his efforts to investigate the company have found that FTX had no "record-keeping whatsoever" and that "this is really just old fashioned embezzlement," as quoted by CNBC.

"This is really just old fashioned embezzlement," he told the committee. "This is just taking money from customers and using it for your own purpose. Not sophisticated at all."

I forgot I have ONE more rant. I have made so many phone calls to cancel subscriptions, ask questions about Medicare, hospital accounts lately and do you know who I am usually talking to ... someone NOT in the US. Get this, I called my United Healthcare Medicare acct and do you know where the guy helping me was from DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. I hardly understand him. Is the Dominican Republic even in the US? They are usually woman from I am guessing Asia, India, Philippines? You can always hear their families/kids loudly talking in the background. We can not even keep these jobs in the US. Blame the corporations but I am seriously pissed off. I remember when Microsoft shipped all the editing jobs overseas to people who didn't speak English and didn't know how to edit a story or write a headline.


  1. Well,I refuse to speak to someone outside of the States about anything. Ever.
    Which is why I never had my annual Mammogram. And the (local) tech wanting to know why I canceled?
    She cried when I told her how rude and awful the person was on the phone. I was threatened.
    I was also called an asshole. I said "thank you" you are being recorded.

    You can call Medicare directly. The people who answer the phone are very helpful.
    You can find out why the plan you signed up for isn't working as you expected.

    David might not have remembered he'd signed up for so many publications. He might have just been buying things over and over
    because he was confused. Call the magazine directly= not the company billing you.........

  2. I got a $60 refund from sports illustrated and $50 from Audobon, i love Audobon but really can't afford all of these mags


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