Friday, October 28, 2022

Feeling blue about seeing red!

I am really trying NOT to cry right now. But I feel like I am about the drown in a pool of depression. 

David always propped me up with I felt down like this. He would tell me, you have to stay on Twitter and Facebook to fight back against the hate and propaganda. So I wouldn't log off to those platforms permanently and soldier on, believing I was serving a purpose. 

But now with musk confirmed purchase of Twitter. I see the writing on the wall. It feels like the bad guys are winning. Well, it has felt like that for awhile ... I see the most vile comments on Facebook as well. The sane people are losing the battle.  This is twitter just today ... musk JUST moved into CEO office. :(

I am so afraid about the upcoming elections. If we lose, it is going to be a big, mad circus of impeaching Biden and Kamala, they will start up "Jan 6th didn't happen" investigating committee. God knows, what else. Marge will be given more power and her craziness will be more amplified. 

Trying to figure out just what path to take right now. But in the meantime, I have a memorial to plan, catering to figure out, papers to sign, a house to get ready for quest, hard to figure out what to do with. 

More immediate, I am babysitting Murphy today while Mason has a big birthday night with lots of friends spending the night.


  1. I never could find you on Twitter, but now I’m wondering if there’s an alternative toTwitter? I just don’t want to do that any more with the trash that will be on there now. I got out and voted yesterday. Feel like that’s all I can do. Well, that and worry about how this election is going to play out. :(. You do have a lot on your plate right now. Give yourself some grace.

  2. Angie ... after getting kicked off a couple of times, I lost my "name" twitter acct, I have had several LOL
    here is mine, please follow, are you on there?

  3. I am on there and evidently I ‘unknowingly’ followed you. LOL. So I am already one of your followers, I just didn’t know it. :D. My profile picture is my Marlee dog, a dachshund mix, and it’s @Angie44392545

  4. Oh my gosh, that so funny. following you too (until I decide to get off or not)

  5. I’m disgusted with the Musk buyout. I’ve never been a fan of that moron and I feel even more strongly now. Granted I haven’t spent much time sharing anything on Twitter but would usually check there to scan what was going on but now I REALLY don’t want to use it. :(


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