Friday, October 28, 2022

David - duck story

Two days ago David's cell phone rang. I try to keep up with who is calling, Dr. appts, work-related, I ignore scam ... but yesterday I just happened to answer a number I was not familiar with. 

"May I speak to David" 

"He isn't available right now, can you leave with me a message, this is his wife" 

"I have three ducks ready for him but his email keeps popping back to me" 

I explained his untimely death and we have a brief chat about that. I gave him my email and said send me the amount owed here. 

He said "David always sent certified checks but I keep telling him he can pay me though the Bank" 

"Can you also send me your address, I only have his work address. That is where I have been sending the ducks" 

At this point, I started laughing. I told him that David would send those to his work,  sneak those in the house. When I said, is that a new duck, he would say it had been here forever. I found ducks hidden in the most ridiculous hiding places.

I also told him I threatened to divorce him if he didn't quit buying ducks. Not that I did not love them, I often picked out my favorite ducks for him to purchase. But because we did not have ONE MORE inch of space for them. 

We laughed. And I sent him his payment. I will wrap them from David to Kim, as a Santa present to me ;) 

He said he has been selling David ducks for 20 years.

Just a few of our ducks.

 I am starting small in cleaning department. Doing dishes, wiping down vent, washing off counter, throwing away fruit that the fruit flies have taken up residency in.

I am working my way up to the toilet and cleaning the bathroom.

I am babysitting Murphy tonight while Mason has a house full of friends for a birthday party. "Baby" is the word. He is miserable without his "people" but I have been feeding him treats to keep him happy.


  1. That is quite the collection of ducks. They are beautiful. Many years after my dad retired he started carving birds. He gave some to my sister and to my twin brother but never me.
    When my brother died and I was taking care of his estate I found one. Lucky me.

    I need to follow your lead on cleaning but right now I would rather be outside working.
    It is so nice no hard freeze yet.

  2. Oh, that is so great! I wish David had carved one .. it would be nice to have. Did he carve many birds?
    SO ... I should be outside working. I use the drizzle as an excuse. My family says this is where potted plants come to die! I have a couple that need to be planted. And weeds that need to be pulled!


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