Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The Nazi Officer's Wife

I know when I get worried and anxious about the future I turn to watching Holocaust survivor videos. I have listened to many the last couple of days. I am feeling very anxious about the future of our country. trump's cult is really digging in and 1/6 hearings and the revelations coming from other Republicans in trump administration does not seem to sway them. We are in some really dip shit. If gop win in November they will start changing voting in every state, they will shut down 1/6 and completely distract from trump's and gop crimes. And if trump wins 2024, then we are really screwed. I was reading the other day they have a plan "Schedule F"  

Former President Trump’s top allies are preparing to radically reshape the federal government if he is re-elected, purging potentially thousands of civil servants and filling career posts with loyalists to him and his "America First” ideology, people involved in the discussions tell Axios. 

The impact could go well beyond typical conservative targets such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the Internal Revenue Service. Trump allies are working on plans that would potentially strip layers at the Justice Department — including the FBI, and reaching into national security, intelligence, the State Department and the Pentagon, sources close to the former president say. 

During his presidency, Trump often complained about what he called “the deep state.” 

The heart of the plan is derived from an executive order known as “Schedule F,” developed and refined in secret over most of the second half of Trump’s term and launched 13 days before the 2020 election. 

The reporting for this series draws on extensive interviews over a period of more than three months with more than two dozen people close to the former president, and others who have firsthand knowledge of the work underway to prepare for a potential second term. Most spoke on condition of anonymity to describe sensitive planning and avoid Trump’s ire.



On a brighter note? At least a different note. Diversity.

I think since the George Floyd murder I have noticed some difference in advertising on television.

Let me go back a decade or two. In a marketing class at ASU I wrote a paper on diversity in advertising. I went around all the malls and shopping centers in San Angelo taking not of mannequins of different color. You guessed, very few around. I also watched TV ads for over a month counting how many people/families of color were represented ... and you guessed, not many. My paper was eye-opening and depressing. Large groups of people ignored and left out of everyday existence.

But the last couple of years I have noticed that most commercials are racially diverse, mixed couples featured, African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic and White, gay couples, all equally represented in the ads. What it does, subconsciously normalize races of people as mainstream, in normal situations, all of living on the same economic scale. I really like this change. I think it will make a big difference in generations to come in not stereotyping groups.

Companies Continue to Push Diversity in Commercials Despite Backlash 

Americans See More Interracial Relationships in Advertising  

Corporate ads said Black Lives Matter. But the industry creating them is nearly all white. The stunning lack of diversity in the advertising industry goes back decades and those in power have done little to change it. It's time for action.

I don't know if they have gone overboard, but I like the change. I think it will change the future of thinking.


  1. I hope you don't mind, Kim, but I need with your permission to share some this on my blog. What may ahead for us in this country literally scared me to death.

  2. OF course. I am always I am afraid of boring everyone senseless with my fear ;)


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