Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Climate change

Some climate change observations from I Could Be Wrong, read the entire blogpost here.  

How long have we known that the planet was warming? As far back in the 1950s scientists knew that the oceans could not absorb the amount of carbon dioxide that we were putting into the atmosphere and by the 1980 much of the scientific community thought that it was something that needed immediate action from all of us. So I am 68 years old and basically we have known all my life that what we were spewing into the atmosphere was harmful to the planet. Most of my adult life there has been scientists that have been throwing up red flags that this is a real problem. Al Gore tried to make it a major campaign issue over 20 years ago and lost the election. He was right, it is just that people were not willing to listen. Much of the world is now listening but much of the United States is not. Here we are claiming to be the greatest country in the world and much of the country just turns its backs on the science of climate change. It is not like we haven’t been warned or it is just something new. Monash University in Australia put out a study that over 5 million people a year are victims of Climate Change. That is not just a few people. This is like its own pandemic. It is a global problem and if we are to consider ourselves a world leader these are the problems that we should be tackling. Not running away from. 

Whenever there is a crisis and Climate change is a crisis you can always expect a quote for Lindsey Graham. His latest is he doesn’t want to be lectured about Climate Change that it would destroy the country’s economy. Now this attitude does not surprise me anymore. The Republican Party, and in particular Lindsey Graham, are not strangers to death on a large scale in the name of the economy. All you have to do is look at their Covid response and the number of lives that could have been saved to know that death is just part of the Republican platform. Money before lives. Profit today and the hell with tomorrow. New York City underwater? No problem, we will just make a new New York City farther inland. Just think of all the money large corporations will make building a new city. Who will foot the bill? Not the corporations that caused the problems. It will be the American Public. The State of Florida underwater? Well that means that there will be nice beachfront property farther north. You can say I am being ridiculous and you may be right but the most ridiculous thing is to ignore Climate Change.

The disappearinag Dead Sea 

A Life on Our Planet

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