Wednesday, June 15, 2022


A friend saw this on Facebook and sent it to me. I LOVE this idea. Lorna Driscoll stitching one item/day to make a visual record of the year. (14” quilting hoop and mostly single strand embroidery thread).


  1. WoW - how awesomely fun!!!

  2. I would love to think I could/would do that but know it would fail ;)

  3. I hear you girlfriend - I would buy everything and plan it and plan it and then never start... duh.... LOL

  4. This winter I visited a facebook group that was started by a gal that was doing this. She had over 3,000 members in her group and then went private. I always had fun when it was public to figure out what they were all stitching.

    Years ago I bought a few of these intending to learn the different stitches they are still in the package. Maybe this winter.

  5. I LOVE that site!!! Thank you
    that is probably the same woman that my friend sent the link


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