Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Vegetable Patch

Busy day today, unscheduled day to watch the kids. 3-year old Noah has gymnastics in an hour. We watch Bubble Guppies all day, she goes to the potty and takes an hour washing her hands, then mysteriously goes into washing something else, making a complete water mess in the bathroom. She just had cheesy eggs, followed by some Chocolate Chip ice cream. 

Collect Mason from school at 2:30p ... in between I need to go to the grocery store. Pixie is refusing to eat the same thing two days in a row. We are basically hand-feeding her turkey cold-cuts and hot dogs. She will stand in one spot and just look around like she is lost and has forgotten where she is going. I can't let my mind go to where it is going! 

 Adrienne Langer

Mina Braun
Amanda White (you should go peek at her houses)
Fiona Willis
Instructor Mary Lou Weidman of Spokane, Washington recently sent us a quilt depicting the story of the Folk School. Three and a half years in the making, the wonderfully colorful and imaginative quilt is hanging on display in the Community Room of Keith House. View her work here.
Judith Reilly
“'Allotment' by UK artist and illustrator Mary Sumner (1957-2016). I need to do an entire post on her!
Janet Browne
Marika Maijala

Melissa Launay

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