Friday, December 10, 2021


We all got our results back, everyone tested negative for Covid! Now for us all to quit sniffling.


  1. Hey- I feel the same about the days and being retired. I liked the excitement of problem solving at work- of talking to random people during the day. Now, at home with a husband who rarely speaks to me.. and no dog who was always wanting to have a conversation with me or at least rest his head on my's lonely. Yesterday i watched a sports radio/tv show- because men are fun. Not my husband- he's never been fun.

    And when that was done- some Hallmark and then some Football. For the amount of actually LIVING I do each day- I could be dead and gone and not missed a bit--well I think others in the same situation look forward to the Daily Notes on the Blog. I went thru all your posts yesterday looking for new art and hoping for some Christmas Art. even last December didn't have any. Sigh but it was FUN and AMAZING to see what you present to us each month. I hope some of my Readers migrate over to see more Art after seeing it on my blog. have a great Eye!!!!

  2. I guess I should post the Christmas trees. Do NOT know what is wrong with me with BLAH HUMBUG. D-I-L has taken over putting up trees and I let her do it her way, so it does not really feel like mine right now. PLUS I hate decorating over a dirty house, which is the constant state of ours. I think only clean houses deserve flowers or decorations ;) But the grandkids love it, so there you are! All worth it. You are right, I think I quit taking photos because the house looks like a tornado blew through a toy store, all the time. I am tired of picking it all up.

    I only catch the peripheral of football games and commentary. David keeps it on as long as he can and I don't complain, God knows he lets me mindlessly listen to true crime on the ID channel. If I get so fed up with trump and the news, I turn to what family member killed what family member for diversion. Sometimes he just yells out, "I would rather listen about trump and the crime family than this, then I know he has had enough".

    I hate that you don't have an animal to cuddle with you! As much as I am tired of scooping dog poo from the bathroom during the rainy season, I do love having them snoring at my feet. Although, we have vowed when they are gone, no more.


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