Friday, December 10, 2021

Go west old woman

I can hardly remember catching an airplare to ABQ or driving in late last night. It was a great road trip through New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Oregon (just a corner slice), then home. David had driven to Kansas City the to ABQ to collect me from the airport. Too many hotels to even remember now. 

We visited my sister-in-law in Albuquerque, Historic Old Town for shopping. I lost David in there for hours, the stores, the colors were amazing. Not many tourists and everyone was wearing a mask. Many purchases were made.

Off to Sante Fe for some museums and art galleries. I love Sante Fe.

The next day we headed to Tempe, Arizona to see my sister, passing through some amazing scenery.  Off Highway 40 between ABQ and Tempe, we literally ran through Pertified Forest before they closed at 5pm. We admitted we had not planned that very well. But we saw what we could and grabbed a handful of sand at the entrance (Giant Log) and at the end at Tiponi Point

Some fantastic photos of Petrified Forest here. This


 Decided to visit the Heard Museum to take in some Indian culture. Also had lunch with my favorite artist, Amanda Shepard. Saw all my family there and it is always so hard to leave them. But to make it through Arches National Park, we had to leave in a couple of days.

And then the color-scapes began!

Painted Desert 

Monument Valley


Mexican Hat



Arches National Park

Of course, David had the perfect CD to play on our drive through Arches, R. Carlos Nakai.


Then a leisurely drive home, with the radio blasting golden oldies.

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