Sunday, August 29, 2021

Sealing the deal

In my ever-expanding experience of completely wasting time on the internet, this morning I ran across a story about Hanko. 

"What exactly is a hanko? A hanko/inkan (used interchangeably) is a carved stamp that can be used in any situation where an individual, or an individual on behalf of a company, might otherwise use a signature or initials. Signing contracts, doing your banking (at a bank) or receiving a parcel are just three such cases. The necessity for a hanko and even the type of hanko may vary depending on the situation." 

Here is more reading about "sealing the deal"

Well, actually I first noticed and watched a video on a kid who has become homeless during Covid, which then led me to the Hanko exploration. I know about "chops", looks like the images have disappeared (note to self: fix that). I have many of them. My mom had given me a beautiful set on my graduation which I had carved. And everyone who traveled to Japan, Korea or Thailand would bring me back my own set. 

But you know, you can never have enough chops and I found such fun website selling them

Japanese Name Converter. The name "kimberly carney" in Japanese is キンバリー カーオニー (kinbarii kaaonii)

English to katakana converter and change your name to kanji. Your kanji name is 譏梦・蠏 

This converter is elegant, Name in Kanji Converter, even has an pronunciation tool.


Get your KanjiName! This one even gives you the meaning of each character. 希夢 可流仁 kim carney ©2021 KANJINAM. It means... "<希> rare; hope,expect,strive for; <夢> dream; visionary; wishful; <可> may,can,-able; possibly; <流> flow,circulate,drift; class; <仁> humaneness,benevolence,kindness;" 



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