Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Am I learning or wasting time?

Who knows. But lately I have been pretty consumed by watching YouTube videos. Mostly the mostly educational flavor. Cooking, traveling, organizing. Oh, and sometimes I watch these at 1.75 or 2.0 playback speed. I ran across Honeyjubu the other day. She has some fantastic videos on storing food, cleaning pots, cooking, shopping at Costco and what is good to buy at IKEA. Lots of salmon, octopus and delicious Korean dishes. I find it fascinating. 


 My friend Rita turned me onto 李子柒 Li Ziqi, she has 16 million followers on YouTube ... yes she is that good. (and apparently a multi-millionaire). But her instructional, educational videos are ways of Chinese of the past. Her grandmother, who she makes wonderful meals for, is featured in her videos. Each video is a work of art and sometimes you wonder ... how does she do all of this? Who knows if she is doing it all on her own, but it is fabulously informative to watch and I become transfixed. I only wish they would have English explanation of her recipes and meals. 

From Wikipedia: "Li Ziqi ([lì tsɹ̩̀.tɕʰí]; Chinese: 李子柒; born 6 July 1990), is a Chinese video blogger, entrepreneur, and Internet celebrity.[3] She is known for creating food and handicraft preparation videos in her hometown of rural Pingwu County, Mianyang, north-central Sichuan province, southwest China, often from basic ingredients and tools using traditional Chinese techniques.[4][5][6][7] Her YouTube channel has more than 2.4 billion views[a] and 16 million subscribers, as verified on 21 August 2021, which is a Guinness World Record for "The most subscribers for a Chinese language channel on YouTube"



  1. I am reading a Rom/Com book and the lead character has a you tube channel and also makes so much money off of it. must be possible. But the visuals must be incredible for it to work I guess.

  2. interesting, can you send me a link? I would love to see it


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