Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Follow the bouncing ball

Sometimes I feel like the bouncing ball that never comes to rest. 

 In the last two weeks, I gave resigned from my wonderful job at Microsoft Office as an icon artist. And from The Everett Herald (very sad face). I was offered and accepted a great full-time opportunity at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and I am so terribly excited! 

In my week between jobs, we have been very busy in the Carney-Miller household. Painting rooms, moving my mom upstairs, kids downstairs, getting my sewing room turned into a baby room. Now cleaning up this mess is on top of my list ... baby shower with 25 guest this weekend. And my best buddy's big 50th birthday party the same night.

We finished staining and replacing old wood on the deck, so it is time to put that all back together.

David spent some time back in Kansas helping his mom and step-dad pack up the house to move to a smaller place. We have about 4 boxes of stuff from Kansas ... my M-I-L is a extraordinary quilt-maker, so I am the recipient of some excellent fabric (where to put?)

David is this minute staining and building a chest of drawers for mom's new room. And I am going embark on putting and combining makeup and toiletry items in our bathroom.

Everything is topsy-turvy right now in my life. With some really hard work and concentration, am hoping to set that straight in the next couple of days.

The cherry on my on cake this week is a piece in the Seattle Times Sunday Market section about Brantlers. So next on my list, make more! Thank you, Claire!!!!

Also, finished up Robin's hoop: the american dream™ site and she also is selling her poster! I still can not believe that was a year ago. And I am featured on the first couple of entries of her blog (my arrival in New York).

And if not for happy hour with Rick, talking about his new animations for his site. I might lose my mind. So I am off. Hope I can find some time to blog about flowers and art sometime very soon! xoxoxox


  1. Ohh, I love this post! Such great organization - especially with the buttons and your sewing patterns! Sexy Pajamas

  2. Congrats on the new position AND the Seattle Times mention! Something about this time of year, definitely feeling the upheaval too, but things will settle into place nicely I'm sure!

  3. hOt DOG Kim!!...congrats on the new position! I love the brantlers. I hope the article has the public knocking down your doors begging for them.


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