Sunday, July 21, 2013

Happy Birthday to my lovely mom!

I can't remember when I did not have time for blogging ... but that time has come. 

My new freelance gig (and commute) is kicking my butt. And I am also still working at the Everett Herald very part-time. I have my freelance gig until October ...  I can do anything for 3 more months.

Today is my mom's birthday. We (Matt, Bri and I) spent it painting what was once my sewing room, will now be the "baby" room. Maybe I have not made that announcement? Matt and Bri are having a baby. We are trying to move everyone around, move bedrooms, get all settled before October. 



  1. un bel été en famille!

  2. Je vous remercie! Vous connaissez trop occupé pour consulter mon blogue dernièrement ;)

  3. This was certainly a different read. Thanks for the follow, I’ll be keeping up with you too! Sexy Night Dress

  4. Many congrats! Grandparenting is everything it is promised to be and more!!


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