Thursday, August 16, 2012

What a day

I faced one of my biggest fears yesterday. Having a big blowout on the highway going 60+. I feel very lucky that nothing terrible happened. And proud of myself that I did not panic and did all the things that I had learned in all of those "defensive driving" classes that I have taken my entire life. 

 We spent all day looking for replacement tires. And a place to park the RV. It is very hot today and I am not coping well with that at all! 

But I love these Queen Anne's Lace going to seed. I had the time today to look a an entire batch and the way they bloom and go to seed. Fascinating, as always! It has been a long, hot day. In the RV and it must 80+ in here right now. I have been listening to itunes library of songs my wonderful husband put together for me ... and it makes it all cooler ;) Good night from some random parking lot in Roseburg, Oregon ... see u tomorrow. ;)


  1. j'ai essayé plusieurs fois de photographier cette fleur...
    sans succès ...tu as trouvé le bon angle et la netteté parfaite!
    un petit salut à la famille des chihuahuas...

  2. J'AIME dentelle de la Reine Anne! Et la façon dont elle se replie sur lui-même est sooooo fascinant! Je suis sur la route en ce moment et ils sont partout dans l'Oregon. Je vous remercie, vous êtes si gentil avec moi;) Ici, il est en pleine floraison
    Passez une bonne journée. (Je m'ennuie de mes chiens)

  3. Je l'aime quand je utiliser la traduction, puis le relire. Je peux presque le comprendre ... et prétendre que je peux le lire parfaitement;)


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