Tuesday, August 14, 2012

In Awe of Beauty

All we have to do is look for beauty, and she is there all around us at any given moment. Good to remember via DailyOm. The backyard smells like a perfume this misty morning, must be the honeysuckle.

Life is getting away from me in the small details. The never-ending problem of too much to do, too little time. I still have several paintings swirling in my head that I want to get on canvas. Getting ready to go on the road for a couple of days with Robin.

Finally had a chance to stop by Art Spot. We are so lucky to have a creative place like this in Edmonds! Thank you Denise and Tracy. 

Rick and I are almost finished the Cheesemonger's Table site. 

Have a wonderful day! xoxox



  1. sensible et beau!

  2. I love the eye for beauty you have, the little things that you highlight that so many people would miss because they simply don't take the time.


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