Friday, June 01, 2012


I looked up from my computer today and everything seems to be blooming at once! I don't think the Honeysuckle has ever been so dense with flowers! Very few peonies ;( I guess I need to move the remaining from under the trees (trees were planted to be a visual barrier). Laura and I were talking the other day about how garden design just changes as plants/shrubs/flowers grow and spread out. Her landscaper had warned her about that. Now I am trying to re-imagine my garden and where stuff should be moved, new beds? I only know, that the peonies are not happy, have not been happy for many years, and I must figure that out. Or give them away to someone who has a "happy place" for them to grow.

I admit, I am addicted to Words with Friends (Scrabble). Is that bad?

Trying to finish up outstanding projects before I begin my road trip in a couple of weeks. 

I am researching something that might help my mom with her current medical situation. It is a weird, gross but a common sense idea to her problem. 

Making BIG Brantlers this weekend! Must get to the studio!

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