Thursday, May 31, 2012

I can dream ...

can't I? Love all of these barns!


  1. One of my good friends who lives in Maine has a barn on her property... attached to the house, in fact. She has a little sewing studio there. One day her iron wasn't working and it was making a funny clunky sound. Eventually she realized that the water in the iron had frozen and the sound was a chunk of ice rattling around in there.

    Barns might not be all you expect them to be... or maybe they would be!

  2. I love the idea of of her iron-water being frozen. Yes, I guess that is a "dream". I was thinking about this today ... maybe a larger, detached, studio is what I am dreaming of. Although, I must say ... those barns do look so wonderful. Hope you are well! xoxo


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