Monday, December 19, 2011

Poking around is a plus

The other day I was poking around on shift collaborative links and found so many terrific local blogs and artist. Honestly, there are so many blogs out there, just reading them could be a full-time job. Love to find local artist blogs! So here are a few things that really caught my eye.

Putting this on my *to-do* list.

Folk Treasures of Mexico at the Tacoma Art Museum via artdish.  

How to create a papel picado ... another addiction, I have boxes of these.  

Vintage Seattle I just love this! 

A leaf becomes an artwork (you can make art anywhere) via improvised life. LOVE
draw and shoot, Shooting photographs, drawing lines… is really lovely blog.

Totally in love with Bearded Blokes by Aaron Smith. Don't you love the texture?


  1. Serendipity strikes again. We are taking the train to Tacoma (from Portland) tomorrow just for the heck of it, to see what we can see for a day, eat something good, walk around, look at glass and now I find that there is a show of Mexican Folk Art at the art museum. Couldn't be more perfect! Thanks.

  2. You poke. We benefit! Great round up!

  3. these little lists help us all find new stuff (which is getting more difficult all the time just cuz the internet is so BIG), thanks for the mention, btw.


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