Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Christmas story

Maggy and I were whining about lives little nuances via email this morning. Then Maggy ran across this story of faith, hope and and God's grace and sent it to me so we could keep our little problems in perspective. A great Christmas love story.

Karen and her family adopted Cami who was severely burned as a young toddler and has been an orphan in China for the past seven years. 
You can be part of the story by donating a little something for Cami Ai Liu. A part of her recovery and history! It's a family affair, a worldwide family. 


  1. Maggy2:47 PM

    Kim, you are an angel, for sure .. thank you for posting Cami's story! Her plight and her story of adoption and of her courage to endure the surgeries necessary to help combat the injuries she suffered as a toddler should be an inspiration to all of us. I'd love to give her American parents a huge hug for their compassion and strength to help this beautiful child and give her the childhood
    she so richly deserves.

    Bless you, Kim, for helping to spread Cammie's story.



  2. An absolutely wonderful and inspiring story, Thank you for posting.
    I hope her surgery works out for the best and that she will adapt easily to her new life.


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