Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I have been trying to put a calendar together for myself and a friend, for 2012 ... but my time doesn't feel like it is my own right now. Don't you hate it when the holidays are coming to a close and you realize how many fun, creative things you *didn't* do?  

I am taking a quick trip but getting ready to go is just stressing me out. Taking laptop to work, packing up Brantlers to possibly show galleries. Packing from a completely messy closet, bedroom. Let's just say, my house feels in chaos right now. And I am trying to put that aside and concentrate on task at hand. Finish illustration, load up files on the LaCie for work, emails to send out to on-going freelance projects no yet finished, iron a pair of pants and shirt, return some clothes, pick-up refills at pharmacy, figure out how to get all of this into one carry-on ... the list goes on. I keep telling myself, the mess will all be here when I get back so don't concentrate on that right now. ;)

How to make Christmas Crackers 

Loving Gravity Dices 
Paint Brush Coat Hooks via babyramen  

Create flower magic

Finished up a ornament exchange last night to get into the mail today ... (yes, it was an after-Christmas exchange). I used some of the smaller Brantlers and added a red nose bell and a ribbon to hang it with. David LOVES it. Okay, gotta go!


  1. Love your Brantlers ornament... too cute!

  2. THANK YOU! I feel like I finally did something creative during the holidays!

  3. Brantler is tooooo cute! xoxo

  4. Maggy3:20 PM

    Oooh, I want one! That is the cutest ornament!

    I think you should put some on Etsy!

  5. Maggy6:54 AM

    Kim, I'm going to jump-start your Etsy accound and request an order for a dozen Brantler ornaments .. you've got plenty of time to make them between now and next Christmas, although I'll likely hang them up way ahead of the holidays, since they're so cute!


  6. Just yesterday I was looking at the December page of your 2011 calendar and feeling a bit sad that you weren't able to do a 2012 one. They are such nice pictures. But then I noticed that the photos are sort of postcard size! I shall cut up and reuse. Yay!

  7. Anonymous3:54 PM

    As always your work is a-maz-ing!


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