Monday, December 26, 2011

The Aftermath (Afterglow)

What a day of eating, laughing, unwrapping, visiting with friends (near and far)! Crepes for brunch and standing rib roast for late dinner, homemade potato soup in between! It was a great day. I guess no one listened to my "no-Christmas-present" policy this year! 

The family decided I needed more fun in 2012 and brought me lots of game devices (that I have been addicted to in a past life). Bri and Matt gave me a Wii and we "Zumba"-ed last night. Learned how to use the wheel while playing Mariokart. David played with his HP tablet. I took advantage of the new "Vinturi Red Wine Aerator". 

Here is the aftermath for Maggy ;) Unfortunately, it is all still there to be cleaned up today.

Santa brought Sophie a pink sweater. I found Pixel's Surf Dog shirt from long ago ... she once walked right through this T-shirt ... now it fits her more like  a "muscle shirt".

We didn't manage to get the "family Christmas photo" taken yesterday. Thankfully, Tara took this one of David and me. New Year photos? this year?


  1. Oh, Kim! Sounds like it was a lovely day!

    Great pic of you and David .. you have your mother's radiance! So glad to hear that she's feeling better :- )

    My very best to all of you; have a great week!

  2. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Beautiful picture of you and David. I am going to have to come see you this year.

    I will be thinking of you in Arizona. You are going to love it.


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