Thursday, September 02, 2010

It's a banner day

I know about branding and consistency. But I really can't help myself when it comes to my banners! I know it is rather jarring when you expect to see something and don't. But it is my little fun I have on this blog. Some of them were just "okay". Some I love.


  1. I LOVE that you change up the banners from time to time. LOVE. IT. Keeps things fresh, and the thing's totally you.

  2. I've loved all of them.

  3. Hey, that was fun seeing the old banners. I remembered really liking the one just before the sepia toned photos, but can't remember what it looked like.
    Love the one with the giraffe forming the letter "T". I don't remmeber ever seeing that one. Maybe it was before my time. Anyway, love the grass and botanicals, too, and appreciate the fact that you bring so many interesting things to me daily, and still create so much yourself.
    Thank you.


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