Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Surfing the vast internet is a full-time job

Since I don't surf the internet like I once did, I am completely blown away by how many blogs there are out there. Decorating blogs run by interior designers are very popular. I do try and stay current with what is going on out there, but feel I am falling way behind on that front.

I found these two interesting places, The Laser Cutter and The Mid-Century Modernist both via another fun place, Owl and Peacock.

This is a beautiful blog, Natasha's she left on a monday, a collection of random thoughts.

After 6 years of blogging my page views just passed 1 million. Granted, these are mainly Google search results. There are many blogs out there that get those kinds of numbers in a month. I am so appreciative to those friends who stop by on a regular basis, you have not idea how that tickles me. ;)


  1. Congratulations and thanks! There is always something(s) fascinating on your blog.

  2. A million! Woooot! See, it's true... you've built a lovely, lovely place here.

  3. amen to above comments!

    and if you only knew how much you have opened my eyes to the wonders about the internet. Thank you for that! (I think between my google reader and my "favourites" my hard drive is becoming over burdened!)


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