Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dream vacations

I usually don't really care for vacations. Vacation for me = staying at home and seeing my art studio that I never seem to spend quality time in. But when I saw these two websites, I thought, now I could go there, do that. A fine vacation!

Tent City at The Resort for Paws Up, Luxury Montana Camping. Is amazing. I can see D and I staying there, me drinking my coffee early in the morning. Also check out Go Glamping.

Luxury Egyptian cruises at Nour El Nil. I am sure they filmed a Poirot "Death on the Nile" on this cruise ship! Via Liberty Post.

1 comment:

  1. I'm one of the owners of Nour El Nil. If you ever make it to Egypt, let us know. We'd love to have you on board.


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