Monday, August 24, 2009

Illustration Friday - Caution

Caution: Handle with Care, Fragile for Illustration Friday. I forgot I wanted to add a large view, and the largest view so you can see the leaf skeleton. ;)

Caution: Handle with Care

I have created this image using a leaf skeleton. The skeleton was hard to shoot or scan and retain the delicate structure and not have have weird shadowing, so I am a little disappointed. But the general concept worked was the world map in the remainder leaf.

Also thinking of entering this in the Eco T-Shirt Design Challenge! at Planet Green via Sicka Than Average.


  1. I think it's so beautiful!!
    And I wish it were a necklace. I'd love to wear it...

  2. Brava! Christmas presents all around!

  3. Beautiful and powerful image.

  4. You never cease t amaze me. This is lovely!

  5. A beautiful piece. And with such a good thought behind it. The texture and the thought go so well together. That is rare.

  6. It's a terrific concept, subtle, engaging and sensitive.

  7. thank you everyone! I had the idea but wasn't sure it would look like what it was suppose to be!

  8. This wonderful. Love it.


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