Monday, August 24, 2009

Birthday Boy

I wasn't the best mom. David was a good dad. But we have the greatest son in the world! And he is 18 years old today. I can remember every minute of his birth day. It just doesn't seem possible that 18 years have passed so quickly.

birthday boy!


  1. I have to say the girlfriend looks very much like you : ))))

  2. He has the best gifts of all - so many that love him. Congrats to you, too, Kim!

  3. awwwww...that is such a great pic. i hope he had a great bday!

  4. Grandma PMC10:47 AM

    Great pic. Cindy's right. You & Bri have look-a-like eyes. At 1st glance I thought it was you. My grandson has had the benefit of having two highly creative artistic parents.

  5. Thank you everyone! Hey Cindy ... gosh, I wish I looked like that today, that is M's girlfriend ')

    Hey grandma, yes, I do think bri and I have a few details in common ... youth, NOT being one of them ;)


  6. Gosh, he grew up so fast! Cute.

  7. Yay! I hope he had a great day. It seems like I've watched him grow up right here!


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